
最后更新 :2022-11-14 18:00:58


一个梦—梦立方,9分钟纵览黄山:在现代黄山展区,依据该建筑空间高大的特点,因地制宜、创新地建造了目前国内唯一的CAVE720度全景体验剧场—梦立方。在11m x 11m x 11mLED矩阵式六面体沉浸式体验空间内,站立于距地面2.4米的高悬浮廊桥上,观众可观看全景CG超高清影片《梦幻黄山 礼仪徽州》。通过9分钟的影片,让观众有一种跨越时空、震撼体验黄山市自然、人文另类角度之美的视听感官体验,对黄山旅游心生向往;既能让观众换个角度看黄山,体验平时无法看到的景致,弥补心中的遗憾,又能让观众回味和思考徽州深厚独特的人文内涵。

A dream - the dream cube, 9 minutes in Mount Huangshan: in the modern Mount Huangshan area, according to the characteristics of the tall building space, local conditions, innovative building is currently the only CAVE720 degree panoramic experience theater dream cube. In the 11m x 11m x 11m LED matrix type hexahedron immersion space, standing high suspension bridge 2.4 meters from the ground up, the audience can see the panoramic CG Ultra HD film "dream of Huizhou" Mount Huangshan etiquette. The 9 minute film, let the audience have a shocking experience across time and space, Huangshan City natural and cultural perspective of the beauty of the offbeat audio-visual senses of Mount Huangshan tourism, a sense of longing; not only can let the audience see Mount Huangshan from another angle, experience usually can not see the scenery, make up for the regret in the heart, and let the audience aftertaste and Huizhou unique cultural connotation of profound thinking.

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日本三电,无缘世界杯8强 日本球员三笘薰赛后采访泣不成声_山东鲁能_体育_


